Time flies, 3 years ago this day [28th day of 9th lunar month - 24 October 2011], Papa left us after a brief sickness [skin allergy] that no one would think it is life threatening. But it did take away my Papa from us forever to netherworld. Anyway, we accept his passing for old age reason but difficult to accept the loss.
Eventhough it is already 3 years but the memories of him still lingers strongly among the family members. Without him, our lives are somehow different or otherwise. For me is a sudden lost of someone closed whom I can confess or share my thoughts, problems and success with. I seriously missed his valuable advices on any matters.

Today, we prepared lots of food as offerings to him ranging from some traditional dishes like curry chicken, lor bak, stir fried bangkwan, pig tripe soup, mixed cauliflower dish to seng lay [boiled chicken/pork belly], mooncakes, kuihs, buns and fruits. Of course, paper money for him to spend in the netherworld.

We always love and deeply missed you
now and forever.