This year is the second consecutive year we went for Cheng Beng at my beloved Papa's grave on actual Cheng Beng day. It is a practice that we must go on this day for 3 years after his passing.
The top of the grave were covered with yellow/white papers on one side [supposed to be the side my Papa's remains laid] and the other side with red papers signifying my Papa's other half is still alive.
As usual, the children, grandchildren, daughter in-laws and whoever related will visit the cemetery to offer food, joss papers and prayers at the grave. This year, we didn't pray for longer time cos' the weather wasn't that good. It was drizzling at certain times.
My late Papa must be very happy that his children and grandchildren have gathered at his grave side. We missed his a lot.
We burnt a lot of paper money, joss papers and even a car for my Papa cos' my sister in-law had dreamed that my Papa hadn't enough money to spend at the Nether world. We wanted and hoped that my Papa will live comfortably there, so we will do as much as possible for him. Hopefully, he will be able to receive everything that we have given to him.
Another important deity we have to pray to is of course the Thor Thee Kong or Tua Peh Kong at my Papa's grave side. This deity is said to be the one responsible to look after my Papa, to bring his soul to the graveside for Cheng Beng prayers and also to accompany him back to the Nether world after the prayers were over. Offerings are like 'Seng Lay' , kuihs and joss papers etc.